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LIMA Wardrobe YM511-YM512-YM513← Previous LIMA Wardrobe YM511-YM512-YM513MAXIM Wardrobe YM516-YM517Next MAXIM Wardrobe YM516-YM517 →
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VERTICAL Wardrobe YM514-YM515

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YM515 VERTICAL wardrobe with 6 swing doors , Matte Sand and Matte Capuccino finish.

The sand tone is an all-rounder, sober, versatile and full of nuances. Get a bedroom full of natural harmony.

YM514 VERTICAL wardrobe with swing doors in Mate Stone.

Touches of light and neutrality with this design in your bedroom. Combinable with an infinite number of shades.
Materials: Solid Wood, Wood veneer, Special Order Materials, MDF
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