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YM 602

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5 Hanging door wardrobe


TOQUE | Handle
Materials: Special Order Materials
Finishes: Special Order Finish
Available Items   Dimensions
5 Door Wardrobe
Wardrobe 5 doors (4 Armario 5 ptas. (4 folding doors + 1 hinge door) 233 x 240 h
Aluminium doors with parsol glass increase
ENDE046 // Interior shelf 46 cm.
Big shelf
ENDE089 // Interior shelf 89,5 cm.
Hanger bar
ENDB089 // Hanger bar 89,5 cms.
Light for central module
LCC2 // LED Lights for central wardrobe module:
Light for sides
LJC2 // LED Lights for set of sideboards:
5 Door Wardrobe
Wardrobe 5 doors (4 Armario 5 ptas. (4 folding doors + 1 hinge door) 233 x 240 h
Aluminium doors with parsol glass increase
ENDE046 // Interior shelf 46 cm.
Big shelf
ENDE089 // Interior shelf 89,5 cm.
Hanger bar
ENDB089 // Hanger bar 89,5 cms.
Light for central module
LCC2 // LED Lights for central wardrobe module:
Light for sides
LJC2 // LED Lights for set of sideboards:
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