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Modern Living Room Sectional. Special Order Product.
Materials: Special Order Materials
Finishes: Special Order Finish
Available Items   Dimensions
1369 Sectional
Left side: L 110" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Middle: L 138" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Chaise Deep: 68" TOP LEATHER+ PVC COLOR: AS SHOWN OR ANY OTHER COLORS
1369 Sectional
Left side: L 110" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Middle: L 138" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Chaise Deep: 68" 1.3-1.5mm thickness leather
1369 Sectional
1369 sectional with holders unit.Half leather
1369 Sectional
Left side: L 110" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Middle: L 138" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Chaise Deep: 68" TOP LEATHER+ PVC COLOR: AS SHOWN OR ANY OTHER COLORS
1369 Sectional
Left side: L 110" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Middle: L 138" x D39.5-44" x H 30-36" Chaise Deep: 68" 1.3-1.5mm thickness leather
1369 Sectional
1369 sectional with holders unit.Half leather
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